Friendship, adventure and … Ernesto !! We lost them!
On Tuesday, July 4, 2017, Heart4Honduras celebrated Independence Day with the young men from CREA, San Pedro Sula by sponsoring a hike to the Coca-Cola sign and the trail beyond to it’s summit. I wanted to give them an opportunity to experience the simple joys of life and nature as well as use this body God has gifted them with. Guided by our fearless leader & mentor, Ernesto Sorto, I sent him off with these words, “Tell them all I say hello and I hope you enjoy the hike, the senses of nature and the view of their beautiful city- and don’t forget to feel all the love God has for them.” The following Ernesto’s account for the day: a testimony of God’s grace and mercy for all.
Amistad (Friendship)On Tuesday, I found myself climbing the Merendon mountain range to the top of one of it’s mountains (probably the highest!), with the boys of CREA in San Pedro Sula. Something I’ve learned in my life is to enjoy every moment, so that was my goal. I had the privilege of talking to each one of the people in our group and along the way, learned a little about each one of them. At one point, due to my bad physical condition, I was lagging behind, and to my astonishment there was someone waiting for me at all times: Ruben Alexander (for those who do not know, I am Alexander’s mentor.) This was not only a good gesture from him, it was an unexpected support from a partnership that’s only just begun…
Aventura (Adventure) On the trail above the Coca-Cola sign, the path was not in its best condition. It was not easy! We had to go in the middle of the jungle and remove branches without a machete. We were all very hungry, tired and thirsty. But eventually, we made it to the top of the mountain! And to our delight, we saw guavas !!! This was our gift from God.
We lost them !! Have you ever felt that sense of anguish, in which your heart beats fast, where you can not find a solution? On the way down the mountain, we lost 4 young men, including Alexander! The first thing I thought was “how shall I explain to Julie?” After two hours of waiting at the entrance to the trail, Alex finally came towards us. What a relief I felt inside me.
Everything makes me reconsider, sometimes in our life we need guidance, we are not the owners of our destiny, the best we can do is… Do the will of God and do the next right thing.