October 8, 2017
Hi, I’m Alex and I’m here in the middle of the jungle!
On the Friday before leaving, I was angry because I realized that Ernesto was taking me camping, and my impression was that I was going to get bored, because I used to live in a village and experiences I had had were not pleasant. Ernesto reacted in a perplexed way. He knew I was bothered by my face and silence. But then, he helped me change my mistaken thinking about what camping really is.
Once we arrived at the place, I was quite impressed we had to cross a river and upon reaching our destination, the people there gave us a good Welcome on the spot. We set up our camping tent where we were going to spend the night, then we ate and went into the river and talked a long time about our childhood experiences.
I learned from all this that many times changes are not bad, We tend to be closed the opportunities that life gives us and despise them but there is always some reason why we humans are wrong; but there is someone who always extends us the hand not to fall and to continue and that is our God. In one way or another, He is with us to help us in all that He can do in our lives, and He makes us go through difficult situations so that we can understand the love that He has for us as His children.
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