The Right Time?
Sometimes we ask ourselves why things happen. Is this the right time? Why right now? These are questions that we often ask in our heads, but before answering them, I want you to listen to my story:
Sunday 13 August 2017
We came from a great time in Puerto Cortes; Sun, beach, sand, friendship, good food. Then Alex, the guys from CREA Home and I went to the baptism of some of the guys, among them was Alex. Just when Alex was the next to dive into the river, it was the moment of impact, his words were as follows:
“I had so many opportunities to be baptized in the past, but for many reasons I could not, and who would say that this is the moment, when you are here, God knows why He does things”
Reflecting on these words, many times I do not consider myself worthy of the good things that happen to me, I believe that all I have is by the grace of God. But, this was the time, God was waiting for the perfect circumstances, with the right people and in short… in His perfect time.