Thanking you into 2018
I wanted to take a moment and thank all who have contributed to Heart4Honduras this passed year. And, quite a year it was! Although we just got our official nonprofit status in October, we’ve had some really successful fundraisers and trips that have helped many.
This year alone we gave out socks, t-shirts, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, sheets, bedding, clothing, rice, beans, eggs, cheese, much needed protein, and shared the Lord’s love, joy and happiness to all the boys at Senderos de Amor and CREA orphanages.
We served the poor at Rio Blanco when they were in dire need of help after a severe flood hit and washed away hundreds of houses in their community. We gave out clothing and food for hundreds.
We also provided fun trips to the beach for the boys at both Senderos and CREA homes. We bought soccer uniforms, sponsored hiking trips with CREA, brought them to worship services, provided soccer games between the 2 homes, had pizza parties, took special trips hiking in the Siguatapeque area, kayaked by the lake, went to Pulha waterfall, toured Punta Sal, helped a mom see her son graduate from high school, provided tamales for Christmas, and celebrated a couple of the boys’ birthdays. So many blessings with very little financial means, but all activities helped these youth feel special, loved, important, cared for.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us bring the love and joy of Christ to the people of Honduras. Through your generosity, we can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus bringing hope to the hopeless, love to the unloved, and joy to some of the world’s most forgotten. Honduras is a dangerous place and because of its dangers, not too many people sign up to go there. Until 2016, San Pedro Sula the city we serve, was known as the ‘murder capital of the world’. But it is changing and it can change, but only truly through God’s movement. I truly believe this and have seen proof as we have put our faith into action… And you have helped be a part of this change. And I can’t thank you enough!
H4H in 2018
My vision for 2018 is to open a home for 4-6 orphaned teens helping them transition from orphanage into independent living. We will provide them a house manager/mentor, shelter, food, and clothing, so they can obtain a job contributing to the household, continue their education, learn life-skills, practice their faith and give back to others in their current orphanage and in the their community.
How YOU can help
The cost to run this home is $20,000/ year. To date, we have $1000. To make this crazy dream of mine happen, we need to raise money to secure the house, AND we need monthly donors. If you’d like to help us be the hope for these forgotten boys and provide them with a new future, please consider giving a one-time gift or becoming a monthly donor to sponsor one of these boys. Just click on the donate button below.
You can also go to our Facebook page and hit the donate button for a one-time donation. Because we are a Facebook approved non-profit, there are no fees using this service. Or you can send your donations directly to our address below. Your gifts are tax-deductible and every penny (100%) and more is given directly to their care.
Thanks for taking the time to read about how Heart4Honduras is providing hope to the future of Honduras. On behalf of our board, Happy New Year and we wish you and your families many blessings in 2018!
Yours truly,
Julie Sorensen, Founder of Heart4Honduras