He prepares the elected.
Many times we have asked ourselves Am I doing it right? What am I doing in this place? Why me? I can not? Do not I have enough skills? All this reminds me of when God calls Moses to free the Israelites. The first thing Moses said was; “And who am I to appear before Pharaoh and Egypt out of the Israelites? ” In our personal lives, we have our moments of doubt, and those doubts come to mind when we go through difficult processes, and we regret all the effort we make… my dear reader, this is not from God.
We see our virtues and our abilities and we believe that we are not sufficient of strong enough to do the job, as if we have to do it in our own strengths. Exodus describes Moses as someone with difficulty communicating, anyway, we wonder how anyone with trouble communicating with others could play such an important role in this story? As humanly possible, we think about all the weaknesses that Moses had and the first thing that comes to mind is: I CAN NOT.
Here is the secret of this story, is a very important point to remember: GOD DOES NOT CHOOSE the PREPARED, He PREPARES THE ELECTED.
Many years ago my biggest problem was the language barrier, I was afraid that people would laugh at my bad English. I remember a group of missionaries asked me to translate for them. At that time, I was terrified, as if something in my throat stopped me from talking. I remember that my first days as a translator I understood 50% of what they told me, and the other 50% I imagined. As I continued to practice my English, it improved. Sometimes in our lives we have to take risks for things to change, especially in our ministry with God. I have always thought of it in the following way: “everything I am doing for His ministry, I do not do it exclusively for the people, I do it so that God may glorify himself.
Today, I translate to more than 20 groups of missionaries a year, I am part of Heart4Honduras as a project manager, many of my friends are people from different countries, it has not been easy, but every second I work to bring God’s love to others is worth giving all of me. I can only say that I have never had so much happiness and love in my heart.
“So do not fear, for I am with you;do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”