The Same Father
Sunday’s are our H4H Devotional Day at Sendoros de Amor. I spent a pleasant time talking with children and youth. I also took advantage to play soccer for an hour with them. It is good because not only does it develop their ability for sports, it also provides an opportunity for me to exercise.
Mrs. Giovanna, the director of the children’s home, asked me to talk with a group of teens who are very rebellious. So, I spent a few minutes talking and advising them. One of the things I shared was in my teens I was very hyperactive. But… after years of experience, I learned to use all that crazy energy for good. I suggested they could focus their energy as well to develop something they really like, i.e. learning to draw, writing stories, writing songs, playing a sport or other positive things.
At 5 pm, Ivan and I went to the supermarket and spent some time buying diapers for the special needs and snacks for Senderos. He shared many things, like how much he liked a girl but also about how he loved spending time volunteering and helping others.
When we arrived back at Senderos, they immediately asked me if we would have the service. I just had to laugh. I have told them many times it is only a devotional, but they love the idea of calling it a service, as if we were in a church.
We had snacks, then the devotional and at the end, we all closed our eyes. It was beautiful to feel we were all praying together. Even though we are different people from different families and different generations, at that very moment, we focused on honoring and talking with the same Father.
““No, I will not abandon you as orphans–I will come to you.” ”