Full of Surprises
Lately, I have had the privilege of sharing a small devotional with the young people and children of Senderos de Amor Orphanage. It is a great blessing for me to share a pleasant time with them in which I share a devotional and they share their ideas, thoughts and longings with me in return. But, it is not always easy… I remember that the last devotional was a disaster. None of them listened to me, on that same day they had received many sweets, and as we all know, a child or young person full of hyperactivity, is not an easy listener.
Because of this difficult experience, a certain part of me did not want to keep sharing the devotionals with them, and simply would rather stay home on a Friday with a perfect date with Netflix. Funny right?
However, this Friday I had an excellent time with the children and youth! They were all super happy and everyone wanted to help and participate. It was a beautiful experience to see them all eager to receive the devotional.
All this leads me to think that many times because of bad experiences, we believe that the next time will be the same or worse than the previous ones. But God fills us with surprises! He gives us physical and spiritual strengths to move forward. I can only thank God because HE helps us to take one day at a time and be better each day.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.””